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Oceanography Extra Credit Exercise

Oceanography Extra Credit Exercise

Q Oceanography Extra Credit Exercise -- 22pts. Due NO LATER THAN 9:00am February 8th, 2023. LATE WORK WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE NOR FOR ANY REASON, BE ACCEPTED. You may turn it in early! Instructions: Choose a coastal location (city / island / country) you would like to visit. Answer the following questions about it. Answers must be on a separate sheet of paper, must have the question number, must have the question written at the beginning, must have a reference cited, may be typed or handwritten and must use correct spelling. Answers should be in sentence form and may require a sentence or a paragraph depending on the place you choose and the question. Extremely short answers (i.e. a few words) will receive no credit. If I can’t read your handwriting I won’t grade the answer. Failure to cite the source of the information for an answer results in 0 points for that question. You may use the same source more than once. DON’TCUT-AND-PASTE! DOING THIS WILL RESULT IN ZERO POINTS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT – PUT YOUR ANSWERS IN YOUR OWN WORDS. If using an internet resource the full URL must be provided. For example: is a home page with many resources but the URL (accessed 1/18/2023) takes me to a page with specific information and is the reference I could use, also list the date you accessed it. Partial credit is available. If you don’t answer a question, you don’t get the points for that question but the rest will be graded. First, state the location you have chosen. 1. How was this place founded and who founded it? 2. What industries in this area rely on the ocean? 3. What is the plate tectonic setting near this location? 4. What surface ocean currents are nearest this location? 5. What is the average ocean surface water temperature near this location? 6. What is the latitude and longitude of the location? 7. Describe the climate of this region. 8. What type of storms is this location subject to? 9. Is this area at risk for a large tsunami? Describe why or why not. 10. What types of tides does this area experience? 11. What do you find interesting about this place and why do you want to visit it? FOLLOW THE FORMAT OF THE EXAMPLES BELOW – THAT’S WHAT THEY ARE HERE FOR! Example answer: I have chosen to examine west coast of Lower Slobovia. 1. How was this place founded and who founded it? Reference: Lower Slobovia was founded by Genovese fishermen who recognized the potential to begin fishing the coastline of this region. Once here the fisherman also found rich mineral resources and began mining gold, which was shipped to ports around the world through their extensive fleet of fishing vessels. 2. What industries in this area rely on the ocean? Reference: There are many industries in this area that rely on the ocean. These include……….. Useful websites include but are not limited to: Also, surfing and/or travel websites for particular areas often are helpful as are Chamber of Commerce websites for cities (for example:

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I decided to go with Hungary. 1. This place was founded in the late 9th century according to the source cited below. A group of people called Magyars and Finno people started to occupy the area. 2. According to this article Hungary Main sectors are heavy industry like mining metallurgy machine and steel production energy production mechanical engineering chemicals food industry and automobile production apparently 50% of their energy conception is dependent on imported energy sources so they would need and rely on the ocean in order to transport the needed items to help them continue to grow and function as a country.